For full-color print, be sure to convert all elements to CMYK. Do not send RGB files. If you have spot Pantone colors, ensure that they are named correctly (e.g. PANTONE 123 U). For black-and-white job, use Greyscale mode.
File Format
For best results, save your file as a high-resolution PDF with cropmarks and bleeds. We can also accept native InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop files if the fonts have been converted to outlines and all linked images are included. For multiple-page projects such as booklets and catalogs, your PDF file should be in single pages and not readers' spreads.
White Borders
If your file will have white borders, they should be at least 1/4" wide all around to minimize any visual unevenness during final cutting.
Never use shadows, glows or other transparency effects on top of a spot color. If your file contains any of these, convert those spot color areas to CMYK and flatten all transparencies before sending.